Thursday, February 10, 2011

Interesting week

1.  In his sweet, sweet concerned voice, Trey said, "Where Dacie go?"  (Gracie) Almost right after she called him, "Doo dah."  It's our preferred term of endearment lately around here.

2.  I accidentally hit my ring against my cabinet at school and it completely broke the top part of my wedding ring.  The diamond came out and everything!  What is it with me and wedding rings?!?!

3.  I dreamed about having a baby that I only fed twice.  She didn't seem to mind.  Didn't cry much.  And I didn't really feel that weird about it.  Then, I dreamed that someone left the water running in the bathtub all night.  In my dream, I looked behind the shower curtain because I heard the water running and the tub was half full.  I actually had to stop for a second at school this morning and wonder if that really happened.

4.  I took the kids to Braums for dessert tonight.  All three of them bit the bottom of the cone off.  Makes for an interesting way to "eat" them.  

5.  Before they got their cones, I ordered, "Two cookie dough kids cones, and two peanut butter cup kids cones."  The girl behind the counter honestly asked, "In cones, or cups?"  Uh... cones.

6.  This morning one of my favorite parents came in and said that her daughter, this morning, told her she wished that just for ONE day it could be just her and me (Mrs. Childs).  So stinkin' sweet.

7. The girls and I were dancing and singing to a Justin Bieber song on a Wii dance game.  After I sang, "You're my one love,"  Trey sang, "My boo."  Yeah, he rocks.  


Jessica said...

#2- This is a brilliant way to keep upgrading your ring every 5 years! I might have to try this! :)

Danielle said...

Love the valentines! I'm pretty sure we can't work it out for Abi to have a whole day with you by herself but maybe we can find a way for the mommies to have a fun day together:)