Thursday, February 17, 2011

embarassing moment

I'm teaching my 2nd graders about paragraph writing.  We're writing a Days in My Life book that involves writing 4 paragraphs about something specific from your life. 

One paragraph is your most Embarassing Moment.

I had to think hard about which embarassing moment to choose.  
I have a lot to choose from.

Should I have chosen the time I was being silly 14 and was walking so fast in Target that when I rounded the corner in the shoe department I tripped and completely fell over the stool/chair thingy you sit down on to try on shoes, and fell into the next shoe aisle.  Imagine a teenager flying at you from the next aisle as your innocently trying on shoes.

Should I have chosen the time my zipper was down and my 2nd graders, at the time, kept laughing and pointing at my fly?

Should I have chosen the time in college that I thought I would try out the dance line.  HA!  Wish I had video of that!  

Nope, I ended up choosing the time Jessica and I were at the park waiting for our skater friends.  We were swinging on the swings as usual, hanging out.  I was telling her about the time when I was younger I would swing upside down on the swings, and would she like to see me do it?  Now, what you need to know about Jess is that she loves a good laugh- at my expense.  So, she acted interested.  I fell the for the bait.  While showing her my amazing skills at wrapping my legs around the chain part of the swing and swinging upside down while my hair swept the rocks (mental picture yet?), SHE got up and started pushing me higher and higher!  Knowing that my crush was just about to come skateboarding down the street, I tried to get her stop pushing me.  Imagine how hard she was laughing at this point!  I didn't know how to stop, so I just unhooked my legs, and plopped to the ground. 

Lesson learned?  
Don't try to impress your best friend with your amazing acrobatic skills- she might just turn on you, and make you look like a real nerd!

 This is the only junior high picture 
I have on my computer right now. 
Jessica is right beside me.
The second prettiest girl in the picture.
Aren't we cool?


Jessica said...

Oh that was one of the funniest moments of my entire life! You forgot the part where you gingerly got up off the rocky ground, brushed yourself off, and walked away without saying a word to me. I wonder if the skater boys saw the whole scene. Doesn't matter-still a highlight of the Jess & Jody story!

Danielle said...

Thanks for sharing your moment. I hope its okay to say I love it! You're a trend setter in so many ways. Today, you're a trend setter in writing. Now it's time for all our friends in blogland to journal our most embarrassing moments. Which one to choose?

Anonymous said...

You forgot to thank your mom for paying for the limo on your last day of Junior High School!!! I didn't even get to ride in it. :-/