You're two today! You were born at 4:04 p.m., so today Gracie didn't feel like you were actually two years old until this afternoon.
You are such a sweet little man. You are 24 pounds, like your sisters were at your age. You might be small, but you're mighty! You love to listen to us talk and parrot everything we say! We have to be careful around you because you've picked up sayings like, "Dang it!" But, you've also started saying, "AWESOME!" When people hear how much you talk, they can't believe you're only two!
You're big time into Thomas the Train. You tell us the names of all the engines, and you love to read your Thomas books. When you opened your presents today and saw the new Thomas book, you kissed it and then couldn't put it down! You couldn't WAIT for Daddy to open it for you!
You love to wrestle, chase, dig in the dirt, and ride your bike. You're afraid of bugs, and monsters. However, you LOVE to pretend you're a monster and chase us around the house!
You know most of your colors. And you can count from 3-10. You're singing more and more- you're favorite songs seem to be "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," the abc's song, and some other songs your sisters have taught you that might embarrass you later on if I mentioned them here! Gracie made up a song about the tiny spoon in the silverware drawer and you're adorable when you sing it! "Where is the tiny spoon? I want the tiny spoon. Where is it?" (And then we say, "No!"), and you say, "Aww...."
This picture shows you trying to make a 2 with your fingers. You'll get it, Buddy. You're so special to us, and we don't know what we'd do without you! We're so happy that God made you for our family.
Love you T-Rex!
Can he get any cuter?! Happy birthday Trey!
I love that kid! Looks like you had a great birthday Trey:)
Two years went by so fast, Nana can't believe it's your birthday already! I LOVE you sooooo much, my sweet, sweet - one and only Grandson!!
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