Saturday, September 11, 2010

What could be better...

...than NEW PJ's!
After a brave phone call to a former student's mom asking if she'd be willing to sell me clothes that her daughter wore last year to 2nd grade... we hit the jackpot!  (Is it tacky to call someone and say, "Would you be willing to sell me clothes your daughter is too small to wear now?"  ?!?!?- I don't care if it is.  She was willing AND she made $30 that day!  Wohoo!).  

What, you might ask, is considered hitting the "jackpot" when it comes to pajamas?  Well, in Gracie's mind, it's anything High School Musical.  And there was one pair of pajamas in the mix that were just that.
Then, today at Wal-Mart, we found Jada and Trey some new ones.  I like to bargain shop, and when I saw these two pair for $5 each- well, I thought that I  had hit the jackpot!
One of a Kind

 Not Even Tired- with an alligator skateboarding
(He's saying, "Choo, choo!" while pushing his train.)

Speaking of that Wal-Mart trip- we also got Trey that KU hat he's wearing, and a baseball helmet.  Could be the age he is, or just that he's spoiled rotten... but we don't just go and decide to buy things like that for the girls.  They have to earn it somehow, have a birthday or Christmas, or change out candy at Valentine's day.  Does anyone else do this for their youngest ones?  I guess once he learns to ask for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that is on his "must-have" list, we can spoil him a little.  Besides, he's the only boy. It's not like we've stocked up on boy stuff, like we did for Jada.  (Poor middle child.)

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