Monday, December 6, 2010


The supper that cures all hurty feelings, rude behaviors 
toward your sister, and crying fits because you 
can't seem to be nice to your siblings.  

Slurpy, messy, saucy, spaghetti.
And black olives puppets. 
And what would a supper at the Childs' house
be without someone needing a bandaid.
Yes, Jada wanted a bandaid for her
chapped lips.

And then she decided later on that her
FAVORITE meal was worth the
stinging pain on her lower lip.

Thank you to whomever invented this
delicious dish.  We are grateful for
the peace it provides since it's so
hilarious to eat! 

1 comment:

Mom said...

Your brother loved spaghetti -o's! He use to say "Ut oh..ghetti o!