Wednesday, November 24, 2010

sweet sisters

I don't know what time is was,
but it was still dark when I heard Jada 
give out a small cry.  
I started to get up to go see what was wrong,
when I heard Gracie say, "Jada, what's wrong?"
 So, I laid back down and went back to sleep.
Big sis had taken care of it.

In the morning, Gracie came in 
and told me all about it.  
It went something like this:
Jada woke up.  She had a bad dream.
Gracie asked her what was wrong,
so Jada told her.  Gracie asked if Jada wanted
to come lay in bed with her.  Jada did.
So, they laid there for a while.
Then, Jada went back to her bed.
Gracie asked her if she (Jada) wanted
Gracie to come to her bed.  Jada did.
So, Gracie got into Jada's bed, and
rubbed her back for a while.
So sweet.  This is one reason I love
that they still share a room.
They have the opportunity to show
compassion toward each other. 
To show God's love.


Mom said...

I love this!!!

Jessica said...

SO SWEET! I love those girls!