Saturday, October 23, 2010

the park

Jada, Trey, and I walked to the park this morning.  It was so relaxing.  They played on the merry-go-round, the slides, these bars you climb, and in the sand.  But, my favorite thing was when I held each one of them on the swing with me and they laid their head on my shoulder and wrapped their legs around me, and we swung back and forth, back and forth.  So peaceful.  I have only one picture to share because, for once, I wasn't trying to capture that perfect moment.  Then, they got back into the wagon, and ate their snack while I pulled them home.  I felt God's presence around us today.  I think he was holding us tight on the swings.  After such an ugly evening last night, it was nice to play happily with my children today.  


Anonymous said...

Nice! There is a favorite page in one of my favorite books to read to my art classes. It's about a little boy who learns that everything he draws doesn't have to look exactly like what he's trying to draw, as long as it looks "ish", and he learns that feelings and words can be "ish" as well as art. The page says something like "it was a beautiful spring day and Ramon decided not to try to capture it in an "ish" drawing, he just savored it". I talk to the kids about what it means to savor something -- like you savored your time with the kids this morning!

Amy said...

It must have been the evening for ugliness last night. It was pretty over here either. Yikes. Thankful for new days.