I'm going to butcher this.
But, I felt a need to write about it.
This last Sunday, Pastor Larry Thompson spoke to us about Galatians 6:14.
May I never boast except in the cross
of our Lord Jesus Christ,
through which the world has
been crucified to me,
and I to the world.
He was saying that sometimes we may feel like people are taking your "glory" for doing something fantastic. Or, you may want attention for something you did. But, that's not living for God. That's living for the World, and seeking the World's approval.
Paul said, "God forbid, that I should glory in saving the cross.." See, Paul knew that he shouldn't take credit for something God helped him to do. He didn't care what people thought. So, why should I? No outside influences can harm you if you are dead to the World and what it wants.
Pastor Larry said it perfectly: "You are not the bad memories you have in your mind." You should be free of the guilt, the expectations, inabilities, discouragements. Tell the Devil to GIVE IT UP! And tell God- You get the glory for what I've done. My good deeds are for YOU. My encouragements are for YOU.
It's doesn't matter what I do in my daily life, if I give it to the World and want to take credit for it. It DOES matter what I do in my daily life if I give the glory to the cross.
A few posts ago I said that I felt like I was back to my "good" teaching. Did I want attention for this? Maybe. But, hopefully it was mostly because I feel good about where my life is right now. And I know who I owe that to- and it isn't because of something I've done to make that happen.
I'm certain God was telling me something last Sunday. Chill out, Jody. Don't stress. I will help you get through these first few weeks of school.
My God knows I have so much guilt (being away from my own kids, not keeping up with my school work, not being encouraging enough to a certain student, not spending enough time with my husband, etc), so many expectations (of myself as a mother, teacher, friend, wife..), discouragements. But, I know I can be free from all of this.