Thursday, July 8, 2010

Who knew?

Who knew that a pet goldfish's death could ignite an asthmatic cough/screaming/crying fit when a four year discovers the funeral leads down the drain- to a possible raccoon meal (or so she thought).
Nevermind the dog that lived with us for 9 years- all of her life as she knows it.  Remember this quote said casually one day as she walked out the door- "Bye Nube!  Oh, yeah.  You're dead."  

A family meeting was formed.  We discussed that a new fish could also die after having it for two weeks.

Now she wants a dog, hamster, or bird.  
Anyone have a raccoon for sale?



rentz said...

I thought all drains lead to the ocean. : )

Chad and Jody said...

Well, Gina, I made the mistake of telling them one time I saw three raccoons in the gutter down by the park one day so we thought it was funny they walked around in the water our toilet drains to. So, they've always thought the raccoons live down there. So, when Chad put the fish in the toilet she freaked out! She thought we were feeding the raccoons. Chad said they'll probably think raccoons will come up through the toilet now. great.

Mom said...

Don't by any more animals before you go on vacation!!! lol - Mom