Thursday, April 29, 2010

ballet girls

This is a bitter sweet time of year.
All her hard work has been adding up
to the big finale- the ballet recital this weekend.
While we don't like the drive every week to
Moundridge (it really isn't all that bad), we
love to see her in the ballet recital with
all the other girls from her class- including
her best friend, Sophie. 
(I really wish Abi would have been here at 
my house the other day getting ready for
rehearsal because there really are three of them
that love each other so much.)

This Saturday and Sunday we'll be
proud parents of this ballerina on stage.


Amy said...

Such cute girls! I'll send yoy the pictures I got of all 3 of them.

Amy said...

you. Not yoy. :)

Mom said...

Proud Nana too!