Wednesday, April 7, 2010

And baby makes 5

May 2008~
I'm walking with my girls, and some of my most favorite people in the world, around the Minnesota Zoo.  I see a family with a mom, dad, and three kids.  I get a strong sense that God is telling me- look at that family.  That is going to be you someday- you, Chad, and three kids.  I knew it was God talking to me then.

July 2008~
I'm pregnant.  Three weeks into this pregnancy and I already know I'm pregnant. 
Five weeks into this pregnancy I'm having pains.  I go to the doctor, and because of my history in previous pregnancies they do a precautionary sonogram.  Can't find the sac that baby is supposed to be in.  We wait a week, and go back for another sonogram.  They find the sac, but can't see the baby.  I'm given a choice:  be given a shot that chemo patients take that would "take care" of anything in there, or do exploratory surgery.  I choose the surgery.  Doctor goes in, feels for a "lump" in the tubes, stomach, intestines, gallbladder etc.  Looks in the uterus, but doesn't puncture it.  No baby.  I wake up in the morning thinking that things were taken care of, but doctor says she didn't find the baby and my pregnancy hormones are going up.  I'm pregnant, but they don't know where the baby is.  Given two choices again:  take the shot offered before, or wait a week and have a sonogram.  Go back for another sonogram.  Find baby.

April 2009~
Trey Hawk Edward Childs is born.  Miracle baby.

God was right.  We have a mom, dad, and three kids.  Amazing things happen when you listen to Him.
Happy Birthday (on Saturday), son! 


Kara Janzen said...

Wow, Jody! What an amazing story. Thanks for sharing it. You have such a beautiful family of five! Enjoy celebrating his first birthday!

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Ohmygoodness!! I didn't know that!

What a blessing.