Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ok, so most people probably think their kids make funny comments all the time.  

I'm no different.

Jada was on a roll yesterday, so I decided to start jotting them down so I would remember. 

*Gracie:  (After driving by Grace Community Church she says...) "Someday I'm gonna build buildings and I'm going to build a building in the shape of a kitty and call it 'Grace Communi-kitty!'"

*Jada:  (Pointing to her drink she says...) "I've seen these two words on tv for years and years!"  (get and got)

*Gracie:  (knowing the difference between the words bare and bear she talked first about bare trees and then said...)  "Mom, I don't want bear feet."  So, I said, "it would help you climb trees better."  She said, "No, then baby ones will want me to help them climb trees."

*Jada: (At the supper table I asked Chad if he drank out of one of the big glasses...) 2 minutes later, Jada points to my glass and says, "This one?  No, I didn't." 

and my favorite one from yesterday...

*Jada:  "I got a slushy today!"  I asked her, "Did you get to go somewhere today?"  She replied, "No, but we went to McDonald's!"


Mira said...


Those are so funny!!! I hope you are doing well.

Mom said...

My face hurts from laughing so hard! If ever there's a "Funniest Quotes Contest" we should enter Gracie, Jada and Sidney and win lots of money!!!!!