Wednesday, February 29, 2012

like a dog

I imagine myself laying on my side, my legs and arms out in front of me.  My legs and arms twitch and "run" like a dog does when he dreams.

How else could I be this sore in the morning?

My dream early this morning was about bears in Colorado.  I was trying to get to my car without one seeing me.  Several times.  Why didn't I just stay home?


Megan said...

This reminds me of the story of how my mom and her family were in Yellowstone when she was little. A bear came upon their picnic table, and mom was the first one to the car. She locked everyone else out. When they told her to let them in, she said, "But the bear will get me! The bear will get me!" Random story, I know, but it seems related.

Chad and Jody said...

Megan, that is hilarious! Now I will think of this story when I see your mom! Thanks for the laugh!