Monday, February 11, 2013


Gracie had a best friend who moved to the other side of town- which meant he attends a different school nowLast school year this friend taught Gracie how to play basketball, at recess.  

 So, this school year, she decided to go out for rec ball.  She has a pretty good shot!  And she practices at home almost everyday. 
   For the past two months we've been going to practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays (which also happened to be at our school, so mommy got time to do extra work which worked out GREAT!), and games on Saturdays.  
 It was pretty exciting to see her team win game after gameHer dad gave her "pointers" after the games on how to be more aggressive.  But, I'd say, she did a pretty great job her first round at playing basketball.  

We all could get used to going to see Gracie play ball. :)


Mom said...

So could Nana and Papa!! Maybe a K-State recuit in 10 years?????

Jessica said...

Let's hope she gets Chad's height then! (:

So cool to see your kids in sports, isn't it?!

Danielle said...

She definitely had the biggest and best cheering section! It was fun to watch her play.