We've been pretty stressed here lately.
So, when we had a chance to go out to harvest, we went!
On the left side of the picture is mom and dad's house.
Jada isn't an outdoors kind of gal, so she always stays with Nana while Gracie, Trey and I go out to the field.
Trey said his favorite thing is to ride in the combine. See him in there with Uncle Robert? Robert said he was getting pretty sleepy and was having a hard time staying awake, but he stuck it out for a while.
Gracie and Trey took turns riding the combine and the tractor (with my cousin Jon- Jada sometimes refers to Jon as "Uncle Jon. I'd take him as my brother. He's a good guy.)
While they were taking turns "helping out," I got to talk with my other cousins, Kevin and Tim, for while. Gracie and I took a load of wheat to town with Kevin, and then I we hung out for a while as they filled up the trucks.
For the first time this year, I let Gracie go up on top of the wheat truck and play in the wheat. It was funny watching her slide through it and play in it just like I did when I was MUCH smaller than her. The trucks are bigger now, and it was a little frightening standing on the cab watching her. We saw a ton of ladybugs and some other ones we couldn't identify. Later, when we were cleaning up at Nana's, Gracie was amazed at all the "places" she found wheat! HA!
And then I got some alone time to just sit.
Out in the open field.
And talk to God about what was on my mind.
It was so peaceful.
I love harvest for so many reasons, but this year was different.
My heart needed repair, and a small piece was repaired two days ago out in the open field.
No better place to rejuvenate than feeling and touching the handiwork of the Lord - out in the open fields - away from the city life!
I love harvest, too. Lincoln didn't play in the wheat this year, but maybe when he's one?! My uncle really wanted him to. ;) I remember when my cousins would come to harvest, my aunt would take off their diapers for bath time at our house and a whole bunch of wheat would spill out.
I know that's always been your happy place...so glad it was healing for you this year. Even for just a moment! Love you!
PS. Linda, is there "city life" in Kansas?! (: haha
I love that I got to share a few minutes with you in that field! Your honesty and vulnerability are beautiful. I've thought about you a lot since that conversation! Wish it would have lasted longer!
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