Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Rapunzel and a tooth

Remember when you lost your first tooth?

Me neither.

But, I remember my dad pulling my teeth with pliers!  I remember how it tasted gross and hurt.  But, my dad seemed to think it was cool while he was pulling them out, so I thought it was cool too.  However, now it all just kinda sounds white-trashy.  HA!

All of this to say that Jada lost her first tooth this weekend.  Such a great accomplishment!  

Her tooth was loose for several days.  
Mimi and Papa were here from Nebraska.
Mimi wanted that tooth out.
So, they (Jada and Mimi?) came up with a plan.

Take Rapunzel and tie a piece of yarn around her neck.
(Her NECK? sheesh!)

And then tie a piece of string to the yarn.
Tie the string around Jada's teeny tiny tooth.

And then let Rapunzel bungee jump climb down her tower (ie. get pushed off the half wall that lines the stairs.) while attached to Jada's tooth so that the string pulls it out of her mouth.

They got it tied.
They tried to get Rapunzel in place.
But, on the way to the "tower" it pulled the tooth out anyway.

Plans foiled.
Not sure if you know this or not, but Chad doesn't like the tooth fairy sneaking into our house.

It's creepy.

So, he always offers to buy our Childs' tooth for 50 cents more than the Tooth Fairy's going rate.  

Jada didn't take the offer.  It's her first tooth.  Can you blame her?

However, she also didn't put it under the pillow.
Her big sister did when Jada was asleep.
But, the Tooth Fairy came anyway.

A dollar that bought her a new doll from the Dollar Store.
She only has a bazillion dolls.
She's acquired my ability to save money.
Go Jada!


rentz said...

That is a new tooth-pulling method that I have never heard of. Hooray for ingenuity!

Mom said...

The tooth fairy has kept up with inflation I guess....a dollar? I got 10 cents; you and Troy got 25 cents and now my grandkids get $1.00!!

Jessica said...

Nice! I love that she can nickel and dime like you! (: Cleaver thinking on the pulling, Rapunzel to the rescue!

Anonymous said...

hahaha I love that I was able to witness this. Hilarious. What a trooper!