Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fall Day at school

Friday was the dreaded day.
Halloween costume parade.
Pumpkin centers.
Fall Party.


I haven't been to school in two years on this day because of someone (either myself or one of the kids) being sick on this day.  Not that I minded...

But, I started my day in a panic.
What costume was I going to wear?
(procrastinator?  yes.)
I tried on about 4 outfits.  Finally, decided to be a butterfly, like Gracie.  Black pants.  Black shirt.  One set of the girls' butterfly wings, and homemade antennae.  I thought I looked pretty cute.  Until some friends (or are they?) at school told me I looked like the Gimpy Butterfly.  Apparently, little girl sized butterfly wings aren't to scale on a grown woman.  
But, I wore it anyway.  
In front of the entire school.
I'm cool like that.
And no, Thankfully, there are no pictures.  (That I know of.)

Later in the day, we played with our food.
bread for the house
crust for the roof
marshmallows for smoke coming
out of the chimney
pretzel stick for a tree trunk
3 colored peppers for leaves
celery for grass
candy pumpkin
candy corn for porch light
candy corn for a gate

I got the idea from this cute website.

Here is Gracie as a butterfly.
She wants to go as a Chinese Princess for trick-or-treating, but they couldn't put on face paint or wigs at school, so she was a butterfly.
All in all the day was really exhausting, but fun!  And besides one kid puking at lunch, we had no one get hurt, they all were sugared up good before heading home, and I got to put up my feet after school! 


Amy said...

You were adorable. You know we love you. :) We all just need to laugh more... and you were handy. Next week you can pick on me... k? :)

Anonymous said...

I thought you were very cute!!! Sorry I never got back with you about helping with the pumpkin craft, hope it went ok.

Kara Janzen said...

When did they start doing costumes at Slate Creek?? I always liked that we were one school that didn't! But it sounds like overall it was fun and not too crazy! Happy Fall!