Monday, September 13, 2010

I Need...

I'm needy lately.
I sit and think about all the things I need.
Why am I not content?
Doesn't God want me to be content with the things I have, and what I am blessed with in my life?

I would love to be content.

Yet, I need.
I need:
*to lose 20 pounds
*gain better control of my temper when the house is a mess
*a new mattress
*to call my grandma who just had another stint put in her heart.
*to have a better attitude about my husband's work
*to make time for one-on-one time with each of my kids
*to have a better chocolate stash at work
*Bangkok spring rolls from our favorite Thai place
*a date night with Chad
*this eczema attack to go away

See what I mean?  This is the short list.
Hmmm... guess I can just work on them one by one.
I think I'll start with... the spring rolls and a phone call!

These look very pretty- which is why I chose the picture.
But, they don't look as tasty as the ones we 
get at Bangkok Thai restaurant!


Anonymous said...

I hear you Jody. I struggle with that big time, especially lately. Never feeling like *I* get what i need because I'm so busy making sure everyone else in the house gets what they need. I tell myself how blessed I am, how much I need to be thankful, but some days . . . all I can think about is what I need/want that I don't have.

Amy said...

I can so relate.
But you forgot one.
I NEED more plan time.

Anonymous said...

I can fix that. Get them to hire a full time art teacher and I'll give you AT LEAST 45 more minutes (maybe more!?!?!?!). :)