Here are the steps to carve a pumpkin:
1. Gather materials (go to the store for PUMPKIN carving tools when your daughter cuts herself with a knife because you were dumb enough to give her one to use on her pumpkin.)
2. Cut off the top of the pumpkin. Remove all the pumpkin guts.
3. Draw your pumpkin design on the outside of the pumpkin with a permanent marker.
4. Carve (with a pumpkin tool!) along the marker lines. Have Jody take your picture with your pumpkin when finished.
5. Go to the store (for the third time that day) to buy battery operated lights for the insides of the pumpkins.
Chad's Jayhawk, Gracie's jack-o-lantern (bottom left)
Sophie's haunted house, Jada's two jack-o-lanterns,
Trey's bats and number three.
This big beauty is mine (Jody). I'm going to drill holes in it to make it look like polka dots.
As for Target....
Every year we go, as a family, to Target searching for the "right" costume. And every year we usually stay for over an hour because we like to try on the different choices. It's free entertainment. Here are the Childs kids in one outfit.
And Old Navy...